Willis And Elmo's page

Hello, we are Willis (right) and Elmo (left) - the bunnies of Thea Largoza. We live in a big, two floor bunny condo cage. 
I am Willis. I am the older, more handsome one. I think I am almost 4. My vet says I am handsome.  People also say I am the mean, grumpy one because I grunt but they are just intimidated by me because I am the boss. When I am happy I do laps. 


Here are some baby picture of me. I am darker and more distinguished now. 
Here I am after I got neutered. I had to wear this Elizabethan collar. Such a sophisticated name for an annoying, silly looking contraption. 

Here I am with my best bears - Edward and Alvin. I am the most handsome. 

Here I am doing an impression of the Easter Bunny. 
Here I am eating my hay and using my litter box. 

When I sleep I snore a little. Mama likes it when I wake her up very early in the morning by licking her eyelids but she doesn't seem to like it much when I chew the carpet. Here I am napping under the desk while Mama works. It's been a long day. 

   We eat some pellets, lots of hay, vegetables and some fruit. We have a litter box where we do our business most of the time. 

Mama brought us to the hotel at New Years 2001. We were good. We didn't need a sitter. 


I am Elmo. That means "friendly, lovable". People call me "Chub" because I am bigger than my brother Willis. I am not fat though. Mama is too lazy to say "Elmo" so she calls me Momo. Everyone says I am such a sweetheart.  I think I am almost 3 years old and Mama got me from the SPCA. When I am happy I shake my ears and jump. Sometimes I crash into the wall and people think I am not too smart. I also sometimes just flop onto my side. People who don't know bunnies think I am having a seizure.  When I am bad, I chew on electrical wires so now Mama knows how to buy phone cords from the dollar store. Some people might try to tell you that I am the reason why there are no buttons on the remote control but they are lying.  



Here I am as a baby with my uncle Phil. Those chew marks on the left is where I tried to eat the picture because I thought I looked so Momolicious. 

This is what I look like when I am growing a new coat. Mama pulls my hair out so I don't eat it and get blocked up. When that happens we act funny and we don't eat. Mama has to force feed us mashed up pineapple and papaya tablets with a syringe. Then we feel better and Mama counts our poops. She is funny. 

Mm. Fresh veggies for dinner. 


Relaxing in my favorite place - a house Kevin built for me. 

Phil's dog - Chewy


We've never met him but this is Mama's dog, PJ. Too bad he died before we were born because then we could have a doggy friend.